Let’s be honest, we know that many employees don’t feel comfortable thinking about retirement. Obviously, nobody really likes to think about getting older. Losing your hair and teeth is surely enough to freak anyone out, but then the miserly state pension adds even more misery. And you’re constantly being told you have to take out a private pension.

How about buying a property? Ideally, somewhere you wouldn’t want to be seen dead in. Or how about investing in Bitcoin? Who knows what tomorrow’s get-rich-quick scheme will be.

An occupational pension with double the savings.

Yours and Wayfair's 50% subsidy!

Want to know how? We’ll tell you in a face-to-face chat!



Statutory pension insurance, to which every employee is entitled, is a generational contract. The working generation pays into the pension fund, while the retired generation receives its pension directly from it.

However, demographic changes, which have been observed for years, are pushing the concept to its limits. Fewer and fewer workers are having to support more and more people in retirement.



On top of statutory pension insurance, there are several other options for taking control of your future. One of them is an OP. Its huge advantages are that your savings are subsidized by your employer – a whopping 50% with Wayfair – and that they benefit from compound interest.

That means that you can very easily accumulate a small fortune in the course of your employment. When you retire, you’ll get the capital you built up plus the interest as a monthly pension or a one-off capital payout.

“We’ve come a long way – from my first consultation in spring 2020 to parental leave and beyond. That was a lot of work. I’m extremely grateful for your help, and I’m more than happy to recommend you to my employer wherever I end up. Especially if they want to help their international employees.

I wish you all the very best.”

– Kristina, employee at Expath