— and rainbows. Enjoy it.

If you’ve made up your mind, take the leap.

Take part in one of our info sessions. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about OPs, run through the pros and cons, and discuss the next steps with you. You can also click through this website.

You’ll receive your individual funding calculation in a 1:1 chat. Following your needs. Using your salary. Answering your questions. Afterwards, we’ll provide you with all the calculations in the pension portal. You can take all the time you need – talk to your family, friends or advisors.

Our experts at Pension+Services will answer any questions and will document your decision – digitally, of course. If you choose the Wayfair benefit, you’ll get to enjoy tax advantages and the Wayfair subsidy from your next salary month.

If you opt for an occupational pension, we from Pension+Services will look after you – continuously and digitally. Everything is easy and straightforward in the pension portal. If you have any questions, are unsure about anything or your situation changes, your personal contacts will be on hand to help and advise you at all times. The same applies if you change employer, of course.


Over the past 35 years, I’ve had lots of great experiences.

One daughter turned into three children, I traveled the world, and we built a house. I’ve been able to enjoy all these important milestones in my life because I always knew that I was well-prepared for retirement. Especially during the years I left my job because of my family, I was very happy to have my own occupational pension.

Since I didn’t pay into the statutory pension fund during that time, I was all the happier to reduce my savings into my OP. That allowed me to make provisions “from home” for the current phase in my life – which was and is a pretty good feeling!

And mothers. To this day, women in Germany only receive half the pension of men on average. Why is that? In this country, the statutory pension is calculated on a performance basis. Those who work, earn and pay in a lot also receive a higher pension. Mothers who stop working for a period of time or switch to part-time therefore get a lower pension. Because of increasing equality in terms of childcare, family time and work-life balance, this issue also affects our male colleagues – i.e. fathers.


No matter where you are in your life right now, let us give you a piece of advice: Take your happiness into your own hands. An OP can be a real win-win whatever your situation.

For your present working self – and for your future self in retirement.

Your glory days are yet to come – and you can start them sooner by accessing your savings from as early as 62. We bet you want to set off on your world travels right now, don’t you? Then grab your full amount and live it up. Or would you prefer a monthly payout after all? No problem. You alone decide what’s best for you and your circumstances.

At Pension+Services, we guarantee trustworthy and absolutely reliable terms for your OP. The fees are, of course, subject to current statutory regulations.

If you invest in an OP, you get to enjoy an immediate tax benefit. Your share of savings is based on your gross salary and reduces your tax burden, leaving more for you in the end.

It goes without saying that we’d like you to stay with Wayfair for a long time – preferably until you retire. But if you part company one day, you can of course take your pension with you to your new employer. It’s all yours!

We wish you a long, happy and healthy life. But if something awful happens, the OP also includes a death benefit to survivors.

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– Luisa, employee at Scout24 SE